Parliament and Big Ben

Parliament and Big Ben
Viewed from The London Eye

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Science Museum

Aniket's experience at The Science Museum

The other day, we made a trip to the Science Museum. This was one of the most interesting museums that I have ever been to because of the numerous artifacts that cover all areas of science. Whether you are an engineer, a scientist, or a doctor, you are bound to find something of your interest in this diverse museum. 

As I was walking around, I found several interesting objects, such as Alan Turing's cryptography which really brought out my inner engineer. I sat there for a while reading about his life and examining his projects while trying to understand them. But as I continued to further explore the museum, I was really amused by the Boyle's anesthetic machine exhibit. This machine was created in 1943 by HEG Boyle. It has vaporizers and flow-meters for oxygen, cyclopropane, nitrous oxide as well as a re-breathing bag all attached as one machine and is used for anesthetic processes. This machine by Boyle relates back to my major of Industrial Engineering because of the efficiency of the machine. Instead of using three different types of machines for each of the three gases, Boyle's machine combined it all into one, so each gas can just be cycled out whenever needed to be used. 

Industrial Engineering is all about improving products and systems for more efficiency and cost effectiveness. Boyle was successfully able to do this by building this machine. One specific area of research I'm interested in is health systems. Reading about this machine just strengthened my interest for this type of research and is definitely a reason why this museum is one of the coolest attractions in London.

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