Parliament and Big Ben

Parliament and Big Ben
Viewed from The London Eye

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Abbey Road

A group of us went to visit Abbey Road, where the Beatles took a popular photo for one of their album covers. 

Since that event, many people have traveled to Abbey road to walk where the Beatles walked in a similar fashion. 

The Beatles are legend of a band, and a popular bit of history for England. People felt they connected with the Beatles in the 1960’s and 1970’s when they were very popular. They sent a message that people all over the world felt they needed to hear, especially with the conditions of the Vietnam War. Even now, people feel that they are connected to the messages of the Beatles’ songs. 

We traveled to the famous Abbey road yesterday and listened to the songs of the Beatles while on the tube. We didn’t expect much from the crosswalk, but found that there were many people doing the same thing we were! It was a bit shocking to see so many people there, recreating the album cover, on a Tuesday afternoon. This dedication shows that people still are greatly attracted to the songs of the Beatles. 

When reflecting on how this event relates to my major, I thought about those connections we find to make ourselves feel like we belong. People often seek out ideas and characteristics that they have in common with others to fit in and find happiness. I think that people listen to the music in the same way. The messages of the Beatles were powerful, so powerful that after many years, people still feel like they can relate. Additionally fans of the Beatles can, in turn, relate to one another. The Beatles held a certain image that encouraged people to resist just passing through life, and instead observing the world around them and gaining a better understanding of themselves and life. I think that this is still a state of mind strong followers of the Beatles still seek today.

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