On July 8th, 2015, the Engineers in London group took a trip to the Mini Plant in Oxford. We boarded our coach around 7:00 A.M. on that Wednesday morning and began our tour at 9. This trip was my first in-person exposure to a manufacturing environment so I was really looking forward to learning about the process.
As an Industrial Engineering student, many of my peers pursue a manufacturing career. I, however, did not feel as though a manufacturing facility was where I pictured myself working. My idea of it, which was only based on talking to people and not my own experience, was that it was a monotonous environment, regardless of what was being produced or who was producing it. After visiting the Mini plant, though, my feelings changed. I found the whole plant tour to be extremely interesting and have started to think about it as an option for my career.
What stood out to me the most was the plant was huge, but it was organized, modern, and smart. There was tape on the floor for where carts or shelves belonged, and display boards showing progress and updates. There were robots that did the work of five people and did the majority of the bodyshop work. The plant itself took advantage of the height of their buildings and had multiple levels within the building to allow for more space. I also liked that what was being produced was tangible. Often times I, as a student, learn about processes that are not tangible or are not as simple as starting with a batch of material and creating a product with that material. Clearly seeing the sequence of events and the final product, a Mini Cooper, being driven out of the shop really changed my perspective about manufacturing and showed me that I have an interest in automobile manufacturing.
If this plant had not been as sophisticated or if it produced something I was not nearly as interested in, such as computer parts, I may not have had quite as great of an experience. However, the Mini plant impressed me. I am really glad that tour was arranged because I was able to form my own opinion on manufacturing as a career option. It could not have been better timing because in the fall I will begin my job search!
Here is a picture of Kady in the driver's seat of a Mini Cooper at the Mini Oxford Plant:

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