Parliament and Big Ben

Parliament and Big Ben
Viewed from The London Eye

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Royal Baby

Many of the students reflected on the birth of the royal heir. Here is Katie's write up:

The royal baby was born on Monday, July 22nd. Once we found out that Kate was in labor we kept checking to see if the baby had been born yet every time we passed through Wi-Fi. 

Our families back in the United States continued to ask us about the baby’s birth throughout the day. Once the baby was born, it is a tradition in London to place the birth announcement on an Easel in front of the Buckingham Palace. Our group decided to try to venture to the palace that night to get a photo with the easel. The palace area was very crowded! However, most of the crowd was comprised of tourists instead of English people. It seemed ironic that there was not a proper queue to get a picture of the easel, because there are so many queues around London! Nonetheless, we waited to get to the front of the crowd to snap a photo of the easel. 

We were a little disappointed by the size of the font on it, because it was difficult to read from afar. It announced that the baby had been born at 4:24 PM and that Kate and the baby were both doing well. It was also signed by several members of the Royal Family. 

Prior to coming to London, we thought that the birth of the Royal Baby would be a reason for celebration throughout London. English people take great pride in the existence of their Royal Family, but they must have not seen it necessary to travel to the Buckingham Palace to get a photo with the easel. The Royal Family is such a special and unique aspect of England and it was exciting to be in the country during the monumental birth of an heir to the United Kingdom.

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