Parliament and Big Ben

Parliament and Big Ben
Viewed from The London Eye

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Museum of London

Ashleigh's reflection on her museum trip

I went to the Museum of London. This museum chronicles the history of the London area from prehistoric to modern day.
In the Roman exhibit they combined the two by showing how Roman times compared to modern day London, so you could be looking at a roman kitchen and you would see a microwave and there would be a sign comparing modern day convenience foods to those found in Roman times. I thought this exhibit was particularly educational because it allowed you to connect your own life to a typical Roman’s life.
Throughout the rest of the museum there were plenty of interactive exhibits. For example in the Elizabeth I exhibit you could try on clothes from that time period and in the Great Fire exhibit you could try on an old fireman hat and modern day fireman hat and compare the two. In another exhibit you got to listen to conversations in several old languages like Old English, Middle English, and Latin. In the Victorian exhibit you could take different tests on a touch screen to try to become an assistant craftsman of some kind. In the 1950-Modern Day Exhibit you could play with different toys and another part of this exhibit allowed you to choose different issues like “Should we build more airports?” or “How high should we allow skyscrapers to go?” and then view the city’s policy in the past, present, and what to look for in the future.
Throughout the whole museum there were several chances to watch a variety of movies. These movies were often a part of an exhibit themselves for example the Great Fire movie had a model of London under it that would light up orange in the areas being affected by the fire at each point in the movie.
 I thought this museum was amazing and loved how the exhibits were interactive, I recommend it to everyone and would say this is one of my favorite museums.

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